What We Believe

Doctrinal Statement

The Doctrinal Statement is our official statement of faith. We also have included our views on baptism, church membership, and marriage. Our leadership continually explores, discusses, and addresses topics that are relevant to the church.


Concerning the Bible

We believe that the original writings of both Old and New Testaments were breathed out by God to prophets, apostles, and apostolic associates by means of the Spirit, who chose the words employed according to the personality and background of the human author, and that these writings were without error and are of supreme and final authority in the lives of believers in any age.

Concerning God

We believe there is but one true God, who eternally exists as three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who exclusively share in the work of creation, maintenance of the universe, redemption and judgment.

Concerning Man and His Need

We believe that man was created in the image of God, but because of Adam’s sin that image was damaged, and that all human beings are now born with a sinful nature, are unable to function in moral responsibility before God, and need a spiritual regeneration before they can become what they were meant to be.

Concerning the Son

We believe that the Eternal Son entered the human race as the virgin-born son of Mary, was named Jesus, fulfilled Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah, was rejected by Jewish leaders, condemned by Pontius Pilate, crucified by the Romans, buried in a borrowed tomb, but on the third day arose bodily from the dead in accordance with the predictions of the Old Testament scriptures.

Concerning Redemption

We believe Jesus died upon the cross as a sinless substitute for sinners of all ages and times, and that the Father was thus, by means of the Spirit, reconciling the world to Himself. All who receive the risen Jesus as Lord, by faith, are spiritually born into permanent membership in the family of God.


Concerning the Holy Spirit

We believe that the resurrected Jesus ascended to heaven and on the day of Pentecost sent the Holy Spirit to indwell, guide, teach, and empower all who believe by imparting to them the life of Jesus so that they may live godly lives and engage in loving service to any who are in need.

Concerning the Church

We believe that the Church consists of all who have been regenerated by the Spirit, and finds expression as local churches, operating under the direction of Jesus as Lord and Head of His body, through elders, pastor-teachers, and evangelists, who equip the saints to fulfill the work of the ministry as described in the scriptures.

Concerning Ordinances

We believe that salvation is a gift of God to all who place their faith in His Son Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Jesus directed new believers to follow that step of faith with water baptism as an outward symbol of their spiritual identification with His death, burial, and resurrection. Jesus also directed His followers to participate together in the memorial supper to remember His death until He comes again in glory.

Concerning the Christian’s Responsibility

We believe that all believers have been made new persons in Christ, through spiritual rebirth. We are still capable of acting on the urges of the sinful nature (the flesh) with which we once were identified. When we do so, we can produce only works which are not pleasing to God. We can choose, rather, to rely upon the Holy Spirit and His love living within us. The choice leads to a fruitful life that glorifies and pleases the Father.

Concerning the Future

We look for the visible, bodily return of Jesus Christ to earth. This hope calls us to holy living, genuine witness and encouragement of heart. The return of Christ will bring His kingdom to completion, judge the world in righteousness and fulfill His promises to His people (Israel and the Church). His future work on earth will conclude with the destruction of all evil and the creation of a new heaven and earth.

We believe that all human beings will be raised from the dead, at their proper time, to participate either in eternal life prepared for those who have been redeemed, or to participate in eternal punishment reserved for the devil and his angels.

water falling


At PBC, we baptize those who profess faith in Christ as an outward demonstration of their inward faith. If you consider yourself a Christian and have not been baptized, we highly encourage you to celebrate your relationship with Christ and the community of faith by being baptized. If you have recently become a follower of Christ, there is no reason to wait to be baptized.

For more information, you can read our paper, What is Baptism? If you are interested in finding out more, you can fill out our Baptism Interest Form, and a pastor will follow up with you. May God bless you in this decision.


The Scriptures teach that all who receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior immediately become members of the invisible, universal Church. If you are a member of the family of God, and you have been led by Him to fellowship with us at PBC, we recognize you as part of our community. We have no membership other than participation in the Body of Jesus Christ.

Marriage & Sexuality

We believe that marriage is ordained by God to be a union of one man and one woman and that God intends sexual intimacy to be enjoyed exclusively within that relationship.

At PBC, we strive to create an environment where everyone, including those who are attracted to people of the same sex, is empowered to follow Jesus while observing our convictions regarding marriage and sexuality. We envision a spiritual family where all people can find belonging; where encountering the radical love of God leads them to follow Jesus; where they are able to grow in holiness while being confident of their great worth; and where transparency about orientation and ongoing experience creates enhanced possibilities to serve God.

For further theological reflection, see this statement from Revoice.

Biblical Explanation

Pastoral Resources