
Giving to the Honduras trip

We believe this trip is not only an investment into the community in Honduras, but an investment into the faith of each member of the team. As such, we graciously ask that you partner with us in prayer and, if led, financially. You can give both to the whole team or directly to 1 or more members.

If you would like to give towards the trip, please do the following:

1. Give using the “give” button (make sure to select Honduras)

2. Fill out the form (second button) to indicate who the giving is directed towards

What’s the trip all about?

Our HS ministry has been partnering with MDM Honduras (Ministries of Divine Mercy) to develop and empower a community outside of the capital city called Rezisapa. The areas we’ve been focusing on have been education, health and economic development.

Our work will consist of 3 major components: 

House/Building Projects: Rezisapa is a low-income rural area where homes are typically made of unsealed adobe brick on bare ground. Our team will pour in concrete floors to move families off of the ground. Additionally, depending on the team size and needs in the community, other building projects may be available

VBS/Education: We will have the opportunity to share the gospel through teaching and crafts at the school in Rezisapa and MDM in San Matias. 

Prayer/Outreach: We break up into groups of 4-5 people and are led by our translator to the homes of preselected families to bring them a gift basket and offer prayer. 

This is an amazing opportunity for students to get out of their comfort zone, use there gifts, and learn from another culture. Our goal is to have each student be used and impacted by God, realizing their position as missionaries, not only in Honduras, but in this world.